Deformation Animations

A model deformation is any change in the model’s shape: twists, expansions, contractions, and character rigging.

These types of animations required advanced techniques available in CAD packages such as Maya and 3DS Max. While KeyShot does not offer a “deformation” animation, it does still support deformations set up in CAD and exported to an Alembic (.ABC) or FBX1 file.

How to import your deformation animations:

1. Click the Import button (or File > Import) in KeyShot.

2. Browse to your Alembic (.ABC) or FBX file and click Open.

3. From the KeyShot Import dialogue > Animation enable Entire Animation and confirm your Import

4. Click Play in the animation timeline to play a preview in real-time. You may also click and drag the time scrubber in the timeline.

The file will import and appear as an animation node on the Animation Timeline where it may be positioned and re-sized.

After the import is finished KeyShot will cache the animation as .luxT files for faster loading and smaller file sizes. The cache files are located in the resource folder > Animations. A .bip file needs these .luxT files to load the animation. Saving the scene as a .ksp will include the .luxT files in the package.

1KeyShot supports deformable animations from FBX files that are cached as .mc or .mcx files, or animations that use rigging.