Depth of Field

Depth of Field allows you to set the focus distance and the f-stop of the camera just like you would with a regular camera.

To enable the depth of field, go to Project > Camera and click on the Depth of Field check box, or hit the D hotkey. Once enabled you can either use the Select Focal Point button or use the manual values to set the focal distance.

 Select Focal Point

Click on the Select Focal Point icon (in front of the Focus distance input). This will enable you to select any part in the Real-time View to be the Focal point for the camera. KeyShot will focus on that point and blur out rest of the scene in accordance with the F-stop.

Focus distance

The distance from the camera to where the image is the sharpest.


Adjusts the virtual aperture of the camera. This determines the extent of the area that is “in focus”.

High F-stop values will produce the deepest images, while smaller f-stop values result in more shallow images, where the front/background are blurred.


When Depth of field is enabled, turn on the Geometry View to see a visual representation of Focus Distance and F-stop.

Set number of Camera blades

This option allows you to adjust the number of simulated camera blades. Adjusting the blades will affect the shape of the Depth of Field bokeh. A low number will result in a triangular shape, while a higher number will appear more round. You can also choose to give the bokeh a custom appearance by adding a texture. Choose Texture from the drop-down and insert the texture you want to use. Note that choosing None in the drop-down will result in a perfectly round bokeh.

Depth of field is only used with Perspective, orthographic or shift lenses.

Quick Tip