Environment Variable (Mac)

When you specify the server name in KeyShot Studio, an environment variable is created.  Depending on your system’s restrictions, it is possible that KeyShot Studio is unable to write into the environment variable. If so, you can manually edit this file.

How To Edit The Environment Variable

1. Open up the terminal.  Make sure you are in the home directory.

2. Type the following command to open the environment variable in vim (text editor): vim .flexlmrc

3. Press Enter.

4.  Press the “i” key to start insert mode.

5.  Change the IP Address or hostname to the correct server location (e.g. 27000@ Once done, Press ESC on your keyboard to exit insert mode.

6.  Hold Shift and press the semicolon/colon key.

7.Type the following command to write and quit: wq

8. Press Enter. You will be brought back to the screen shown in step 2 above.

9.  You may now open KeyShot Studio on your client computer.