Material Template Window

The Material Templates window can be accessed from Window under the Main Menu or via the  Material Template button in the Tools section of Ribbon.

  1. Search
    Type in any keyword to search for a material template.
  2. Add Template
    Click this button to add a material template.
  3. Import
    Import a KMTP material template file.
  4. Export
    Export a KMTP material template file.
  5. Delete
    Click this button to delete a material template.
  6. Material Templates List
    Contains a list of all material templates available in your resources folder.
  7. Add Rule
    Click this button to add a rule.
  8. Delete Rule
    Click this button to delete a rule.
  9. Template Rules
    Contains a list of all the rules in the template.
  10. Apply
    Applies the template to your scene or selection.

Go to the Material Templates page to learn more.

Material template panel