Touch screens
KeyShot Studio supports multi-touch input for touch-enabled screens and tablets. The following gestures can be used on the touch screen when running KeyShot Studio:
- 1 Finger drag: The active camera mode (default is tumble)
- 2 Finger pinch: Adjust Focal length
Track pads
- Click + 1 finger drag: The active camera mode (default is tumble)
- Tab & hold, then drag: Pan camera (Only some track pads)
- 2 Finger up/down movement: Dolly camera
- 2 Finger pinch: Adjust Focal length
- 2 finger rotate: Camera Twist
Alternative camera controls
- Pan: Ctrl+Shift drag on Windows and Cmd+Shift on Mac
- Dolly: Alt+Shift drag
These can be customized in the Hotkeys Preferences.