Web Viewer

The Web Viewer allows you to view and configure your KeyShot scene in a Browser on both a desktop and a mobile device. You can upload your scene by going to Window > Web Viewer… or click on the Web Viewer icon in the Toolbar.

Note that the amount of viewing and uploading that can be done, is depended on the amount of transfer and storage you have available on your account. You can view and manage your remaining data on drive.keyshot.com.

Upload Dialog

Scene Information

This requires you to set a scene name.


For a quick and easy upload you can choose between one of three Quality Presets. Note that for all Quality Presets, Baking is enabled as a default.

You can also choose to open the advanced quality accordion, this allows you to access the following options:

Maximum Environment Resolution
Allows you to set the maximum size, that the environment resolution is scaled to.

Maximum Texture Resolution
Allows you to set the maximum size, that textures are scaled to.

Texture Compression Quality
Lets you control the compression quality of your textures.

Bake Textures
Baking your textures enables the Web Viewer to support more advanced materials and features such as labels.


This allows you to drag and drop any images you want to add to your Web Viewer scene. You can also choose to render images from your list of cameras.

KeyShot 360

When rendering a KeyShotXR you will also get a .360 output file. You can add one or multiple of these files to your Web Viewer upload.

Augmented Reality

On Android you can use AR on Chrome with any upload. To use it on iOS enable the Enable for iOS check box and open the scene in Safari.

Drive Storage

After you upload your scene to the Web Viewer you will be provided with a link for viewing and sharing. Links to previously uploaded scenes can be found in KeyShot Drive under My Presentations.


Bake Preview

Click this button to see a baked preview of your scene, before you upload it.

Known Limitations
  • The Material representation is limited and similar to KeyVR. For a comparison see here.
  • Non-UV mapped textures may be misaligned.
  • Not all image formats for textures are supported on the web, use .jpeg (8bpc) or .png (16 or 24-bit) to be on the safe side.

Configurator Wizard

The Web Viewer is using the Touch-friendly layout style which you can also use in Presentation mode. You can customize the Interface and Styling of your Web Viewer Scene in the Layout tab of the Configurator Wizard.


The Override Icon and Scripting options in the layout tab do not translate to the Web Viewer.