Reason: This means that KeyShot Studio is unable to connect to the Luxion License Server application on your license server.
Please check
Server status
Is your license server running properly? You can check the service status within the LUXION.log file (found inside your License Folder). If you find any problems, see server errors for troubleshooting.
Computer connection
Make sure that your client computer can ping the license server and that your client computer can “see” the server in your office network. Contact your IT department if you are using a VPN connection.
Server Ports
Remember that KeyShot Studio uses port number 27000 by default. It is possible that another application in your computer is using this port. You can try to change the port number in the license first and then inside KeyShot Studio Pro Floating. Please refer to instructions on how to change the port number.
Firewall/Anti-virus settings
Turn off the firewall on the server and the client. If this is already the case, then you can try to add LUXION.exe and lmgrd.exe to the list of programs allowed through the firewall and through the anti-virus. Please consult your IT representative for further assistance with firewall/anti-virus settings.
Client Environment Variable/Registry
Depending on your system’s restrictions, it is possible that KeyShot Studio is unable to save the Server information. If so, you can manually edit this:
- PC: registry entry
- Mac: environment variable.